Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Divisions| Media and Public Relations Division

The Media and Public Relations Division is the public relations unit of the Library; it is also image-maker division of the Library. It informs the University Community as well as the outside world what happens within the Library, what it does, and what use the community and the outside world can make of the Library. Moreover, the Division uses technology and related tools and devices to obtain Library resources and media, process them into consumable form, and provides same to other Divisions of the Library for use. It receives and processes all forms of information to enlighten the University of Library functions and use.


During the period under review, a total of 298 copies of the ABU Library Complex Bulletin were distributed to all divisions within the Main Library, Satellite, Faculty and Departmental libraries. Moreover, students from Library Science Department, and from various other libraries of other Institutions come all the time for orientation and a tour of the division.

The division also used to be responsible for maintaining the Library Website. That task has now been delegated to a dedicated Webmaster, but the Division is still instrumental in some ways to the acquiring and processing of the website's content (text, pictures, videos etc) from Divisions and Satellite Libraries for the update of the website.


Head of Division:


Full Name: Mrs. Romoke Opeyemi Quadir
Rank: Principal Librarian
Appointed: .....
Title: Mrs.
Position: Head of Division
E-mail: opeyemiquadir.oq@gmail.com
Office Addr: Kashim Ibrahim Library, ABU Main Campus, Samaru, Zaria.


Page(s) last updated: Monday, 06/05/2024. © 2024 All Rights Reserved | Ahmadu Bello University Zaria | Kashim Ibrahim Library