Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Resource Development Division


The division was established in 1976 as a unit under Technical Services Division when Kashim Ibrahim Library moved to its new premises in the Samaru main campus. Later the collection development unit was upgraded to full Division. Due to advances in science and technology as well as the dynamic nature of Information profession in 2011 the division was re-named as Resource Development Division.

The primary function of the division is selection and acquisition of Information resources for the Ahmadu Bello University complex via our centralized acquisition policy. It coordinates and facilitates the selection of information resources by the faculties, departments and centres. It acquires and processed books and non-books resources for all libraries in the University system. These information resources are processed and given directional guides as to which section of the library the resources are to be placed for use. These resources when processed are sent to the Resource Processing Division for cataloguing and classification. Moreover, information resources are also distributed to Satellite, Faculties, Departmental, Centres and other libraries for onward processing and made available to users.

From inception to date it has selected, acquired, processed and distributed over 1.6 million volumes of assorted books theses and dissertations to Resource Processing Division, Satellite, Faculties, Departmental, Centres and other libraries.

The Division comprises of four (4) units namely:
  1. Ordering Unit.
  2. Invoice Clearance Unit.
  3. Receiving Unit.
  4. Bibliographic Filing and Checking Unit.

To select, acquire, process and distribute current, authoritative, reliable and relevant information resources to various faculties, departments, research centres, institutes and others so as to become among the best Resource Development Division in Universities in sub- Saharan Africa.


To support the present and future teaching- learning, research and community service accomplishments of the University through the selection, acquisition, processing and distribution of current, authoritative, reliable and relevant information resources

  1. To select, acquire, process, distribute and maintain information resources in all formats to support teaching- learning, research and community service accomplishments of the University.
  2. To create and maintain networks and cooperation among Library and information centres as well as other groups, individuals, organizations and agencies in resource sharing and information provision
  3. To organize and coordinate weeding of library information resources in conjunction with Customer Service Division.



The Library Complex Resource Development Policy is to ensure sustainable provision of high -quality information resources in print, media and electronic, as well as maximizing access to these information resources which support the University curriculum. The policy is developed in the context of the University’s vision and mission as published in the strategic planning and policy documents of the University. The Library’s Resource Development Policy shall focus on selection, acquisition and weeding of information resources.


The Resource Development Librarian of the main library, after analyzing the scope of the existing stock and planning for future acquisitions in the respective subject areas shall work in close coordination with the Faculty Liaison Officers (FLOs). Departmental Library Officers (DLO’s) and Departmental Librarians (DLs) to select new resources. Thus Librarians shall be:

  1. Involved in the development of academic programme, to advise on the existing library resources and plan for needed library support.
  2. Included in meetings involving curriculum studies and reviews so that they are well informed on current programme and future plans.
  3. Librarians of satellite libraries shall be members of the Professional and Academic Boards (P & AB) of the institute, college and center for the purpose of contributing to the development of the organizations, including Information Resources Development of the Libraries.

The following criteria shall be used to facilitate the selection of any information resources for the Library Complex:

  1. All Information Resources shall be evaluated before selection for purchase or addition to the collection.
  2. Information Resources of current scholarly interest shall be given top priority.
  3. Assessment from standard reviewing media shall be a factor for determining their importance and relevance.
  4. Periodicals indexed in print, on-line source and in indexing and abstracting media shall be given preference in selection over those not indexed.
  5. Information resources shall be selected in a variety of formats e.g. Books, A/V, periodicals, offline and online e-resources, etc, according to the appropriate medium for the discipline and also to the facilities available to access a particular format.
  6. Reputation and credibility of authors and publishers shall be given priority.
  7. Availability and cost of electronic copies as well as physical quality, format and price shall be considered during selection.
  8. Information resources selected shall be added to the library collection at the location most appropriate for their use taking into account the courses offered in each Faculty/Department and the multidisciplinary nature of the courses.

The library shall be engaged in the following:

  1. The library shall purchase at least three and two copies each for published book and journal titles respectively.
  2. Where three or more copies of the same book or journal title are acquired, at least one copy will be sent to the departmental library of the subject area.
  3. Purchase of additional copies of books and journal shall be supported by projected or proven heavy and continued use, or by the necessity to provide a well – rounded collection at more than one Faculty/Department/Centre.
  4. Appropriate number of Nigerian newspapers and magazines shall be purchased daily or weekly as the case may be by the main library for the library and some designated satellite libraries.
  5. A copy each of the Ahmadu Bello University theses and dissertations shall be submitted to the main library by the School of Postgraduate Studies.
  6. Copies of theses and dissertations written by the Ahmadu Bello University staff who studied in foreign Universities shall be deposited in the main library upon completion.
  7. Offline and online databases that cover multi subject areas shall be given priority in acquisition.
  8. All subscribed and open access databases shall be hosted on the library website for use by researchers.
  9. The library shall maintain its objectivity in the acquisition of controversial resources either in print or in electronic media.

Library and Information Resources shall be acquired through:-

  1. Purchase from publishers, agents or vendors.
  2. The Library shall accept gifts and donations from individuals, organizations, institutions, societies if they are needed for the collection, and upon receipt, the Library becomes the owner of the materials and reserves the right to determine the retention, disposal and other rights.
  3. Grants from National and International Organizations, institutions, foundations, bequeath and endowments shall be accepted.
  4. Exchange shall be encouraged whereby the library enters into exchange programme with other libraries/institutions organizations and agencies to exchange resources.
  5. Deposit:- Libraries shall acquire resources through deposit, especially, from governments, national and international agencies and organizations such as UNO, USAID, AU, EU, ECOWAS. Etc.
  6. Endowments/bequeath – such as from philanthropists, families, alumni, etc.
  7. The library shall engage in cooperative acquisitions through resource sharing and inter-library loans.
  8. Library shall acquire resources in the languages used as media of instruction in the University.
  9. Library shall replace lost and damaged resources found to be of great importance or have academic contribution to their subject of treatment.

Information resources shall be withdrawn from the Library due to:-

  1. Age of the edition.
  2. Lack of use for over 5 years.
  3. Irredeemable deterioration.
  4. Irrelevance to the courses offered and mandates of the University.

The division have staff strength of eleven (11) staff only, four (4) professionals, six (6) Para-professionals and one (1) confidential secretary.

Head of Division

Full Name: Ali Garba
Rank: Librarian I
Appointed: .....
Title: Mal.
Position: Head of Division
E-mail: agarba@abu.edu.ng, karayeunque@gmail.com
Office Address: Ground Floor, Resource Development Division, Kashim Ibrahim Library, ABU Main Campus, Samaru, Zaria.

Page(s) last updated: Monday, 06/05/2024. © 2024 All Rights Reserved | Ahmadu Bello University Zaria | Kashim Ibrahim Library