Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

The Serials Management Division (SMD)


Serials Management Division was created in 1962 along with Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The reasons of creating this division was to provides various serials publications and services to our clients such as academicians, researchers, students, policy makers, lecturers for teaching, research, learning and consultations for both local and international clients in order to cope with challenges of information needed by them.


The division was set up to achieve the following as its goal(s):-
To provide information needs to our customers in order to achieve the purpose for teaching, learning, research, assignment and training. This can only be achieve by relevant and current serials publications and services provided by the division such as journals, proceedings, Newspapers, Magazines, annual reports, year books, directories, monographic series memoirs and transactions of societies and electronic database service, abstracts and indexes services references of backsets and photocopy requests, almanacs, annual reviews and newsletters.


Currently, Dr. (Mrs.) L. O. Esievo is the head of the division with Mal. Abdullahi Isa Adamson as the Divisional Secretary. The division has four units, and are as follows:

    Serials Recording Unit:-
  1. The head is Mrs. Sekinat T. Yusuf with Mrs. Alice Apeji Gogo as the only staff assisting the head. In this unit, they take all entries of serial resources and computerize them, catalog and classify them before sending them to Serials Public Services Unit for display on display shelves. Training of industrial training students from various tertiary institutions.
  2. Serials Public Services Unit:-
  3. Mal. Ibrahim Gobir is the head of the unit with eight staff. Namely; Andrew U. Odiniya, Ramatu Adamu Mohammed, Hassan Isah Ahmad, Sadiq Shuaibu, Hadiza Boyi, Faiza Shehu, and Abduljalal Yusha’u. Serial resources are display on open shelve for consultation by clients. The unit compile and analysis statistics of all the use of serial collection previous yearly Newspapers and very outdated publications in this unit are send to Processing Unit, where they are processed and resend for binding before bringing them back to Serial Public Services Unit as backsets for consultations and training of industrial students.
  4. Processing Unit:-
  5. Mal. Haruna Mohammed is the head of Processing Unit. Mal. Ishaq Abdulmutalib Ishaq is the only staff assisting the head of unit. They process all previous yearly Newspapers but outdated serial publications are not handle as Newspapers, but are address when necessary and later resend to Serials Public Services Unit to be displayed on shelves as backsets and training of industrial training students from different tertiary institutions.
  6. Gifts and Exchange Unit:-
  7. The head is Mrs. Fatima Ibrahim as only one staff of the unit. This unit receives gifts, donations of serials resources from other tertiary institution in private and public organization libraries, Non-Governmental organizations, individual, Association and international organizations. The unit also donates to other libraries and training of industrial students.
    This division stock current and outdated serial resources. The division subscribes to Magazines such as National Geographic, Economist and Time were supplied till February, 2020 but Tell was supplied last in 2017,supplied till 2020 but Newspapers such as Daily Trust, The guardian, Daily Trust, The Punch, Leadership and Sporting Life are currently supplied to date.

The Taskforce of Kashim Ibrahim Library embarked - on the transferred of some of the Customer Service; and Reference and Information Services Division open library materials to Serial Management Division and occupying Serial Management Division space and shelves. These information resources are very out-dated and need to be weeded in order to create space and empty shelves for serials resources for display.



The mission of Serials Management division is to support and promote teaching, learning, research of academicians of the university by acquiring, recording, organizing, preserving, and managing the serials resources for present and future usage by clients. Also, keeping details of the expenditures of these resources for the attainment of the objectives of their parent organization so that the university community will not suffer for knowledge seeking, generation and disseminated to our customers both local and international standard for development.


The vision of Serials Management Division is:
To acquire relevant and up-date serial resources and make them available to clients in order to meet their information needs;
To manage scientific discoveries and results of latest findings and make academicians and researchers to be more current in frontiers of knowledge.
To provide up-to-date information in most current development in all fields of knowledge by ordering, preparing invoices for the business office, cataloguing, checking in claim of unreceived issues, binding and maintaining holdings records in the library catalog.

Mandates/Responsibilities of Serial Management Division:-
  1. The Serials Division does the selection of serials resources but the acquisition is through purchase by the central administration of Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, gifts donations, and exchange. Administration, and monitoring supervision of the divisional staff by the head of division. Training of staff, coordinating the professional technical activities in the division and dissimination of serials information to users.
  2. Recording of the serials resources, cataloguing and classifying new titles.
  3. Sending them to Serials Public Services Unit for display, shelving and reshelving of the serials resources.
  4. Entries of Newspapers every morning received from the vendor. They are stamped and entered in the kardex and circulated.
  5. Opening of mail bags/parcels.
  6. Sorting of journals into pigeonholes ready for entering in the kardex.
  7. Stamping and shelving of processed journals.
  8. Entering of journals in the kardex.
  9. Checking through the kardex to see what items (journals) are missing and are due for claims.
  10. Checking for final processing of claims and close supervision of initial processing.
  11. Close supervision of kardex entries which include both invoices and journals.
  12. Photocopy services handling.
  13. Indexing of Newspapers
  14. Supervision of staff for shelving shelve-reading and reshelving.
  15. Decides on complete issues of journals and Newspapers/Magazines to be prepared for binding.
  16. Cross-check lists of materials to be sent to binding.
  17. Check volumes returned from binding against instructions given.
  18. Statistics of the unit takings.
  19. Cross-checking and signing all list bound volumes according to titles, numbers and frequency.
  20. Coordinate journals selection from faculties/departments.
  21. Compiling monthly accession list and up to dates of serials stripdex.
  22. Checking for kardex for errors periodically.
  23. Quarterly and Annual Reports of each units.
  24. Serials collection evaluation periodically.
  25. Attending meetings.
  26. Corresponds with all exchange partners.
  27. Liaises between the library and other departments for serials resources.
  28. Compilation of duplicate serials resources in our collections for exchange.
  29. Addressing readers’ queries that are related to serials.
  30. Inter – library loan and photocopy services of serials related.
  31. Checking users coming in and going out.
  32. Donating of non-relevant serial resources to other libraries.
  33. Exhibition of serial resources.

We organise exhibitions, lectures and seminars. Seminars are presented weekly.


Full Name: Mrs. Lovet Ovigue Esievo
Rank: Principal Librarian
Appointed: .....
Title: Dr. (Mrs.)
Position: Head of Division
E-mail: elcomesieva@gmail.com
Office Addr: Serials Management Div., Kashim Ibrahim Library, ABU Main Campus, Samaru, Zaria.


Page(s) last updated: Monday, 06/05/2024. © 2024 All Rights Reserved | Ahmadu Bello University Zaria | Kashim Ibrahim Library